Thrill-Seeking in Cape Town

Hello from Cape Town!

As my time in this beautiful city came to a close, I had the urge to throw caution to the wind and find myself some adventure. The adventure I found came in the form of shark diving and paragliding.

A group of us woke up at 3:00 a.m. and drove two hours from Cape Town to Gansbaai for a day of diving with sharks. When we arrived, it was still dark and we were still tired. That all changed when we climbed on a boat and headed to part of the Atlantic Ocean known to locals as Shark Alley. We squeezed into wetsuits, climbed into a narrow metal cage and dove into the water. Check out our time with the sharks in the video below!


My next adventure took me from deep in the ocean to the top of Lion’s Head Mountain for paragliding. My friend Geneva and I ran, jumped and soared high over Sea Point. Check out the amazing views in the video below!